Executive Summary

The OECD countries experienced a major financial crisis that led to the deepest recession since the Great Depression. Governments and central banks swiftly took unprecedented steps to save the financial system, and a wide range of policy measures were undertaken that overall seem to have set the stage for a gradual recovery.

As the recovery takes hold, the swift actions that were taken in response to the crisis will need to be reassessed as to whether they help support sustainable growth going forward. In last year’s report, principles were enounced for policies that could support demand in the short term, while at the same time help to ensure robust long-term growth. The lead chapter (“Responding to the Crisis”, Chapter 1) examines in detail the actual policy responses in all OECD countries. Three main conclusions stand out:

     OECD countries have so far avoided the major structural policy mistakes of some past crises, such as imposing severe protectionist measures or highly damaging labour market policies like early retirement schemes. Other measures were taken that will help to contain the long-term damage of the crisis for material living standards and welfare, such as in the areas of R&D, infrastructure, labour taxes and active labour market policies.

     Going forward, significant risks remain, however. With unemployment likely to remain high for some time, governments will face pressures to maintain or introduce labour market measures which, if entrenched, coulddurably reduce labour utilisation. Likewise, depending on the magnitude and composition of adjustment in taxes and spending, the much-needed consolidation of public finances could affect long-term income levels.

     The urgency of structural reform has in general been reinforced by the crisis. This especially holds for the need to revamp financial regulation. Reforms are also needed in other areas, such as labour and product markets, where they could speed up the recovery, help consolidate public finances in a way that protects long-term growth and, in some cases, contribute to reducing current account imbalances.

Against the background of a strong need for reform in the wake of the crisis, the overview of reforms (Chapter 2) assesses the progress that each country has made over the past five years in a broad range of structural policy areas where government action could boost long-term growth. The country notes (Chapter 3) in this year’s edition also highlight those priorities that seem most urgent to address during the recovery. Despite the depth and extended nature of the crisis, differences in per capita GDP have not changed much, and can to a large extent be explained by structural policy factors that are the basis on which structural policy priorities are identified in Going for Growth. The main reformpatterns that emerge from the stocktaking exercise carried out over the period 2005-2009 are the following :

OECD countries have followed up on Going for Growth policy priorities since 2005. Two-thirds of them took some legislative action in at least one of their priority areas each year.

     At the same time, reforms have been typically incremental rather than radical in nature, and most have not been ambitious enough to warrant a removal of corresponding Going for Growth priorities. Furthermore, the pace of structural reform seems to have slowed recently.

     There is broad variation among the countries that have been most active in structural reform since 2005 in terms of geography, size and income levels, although a majority are small OECD economies.

     Experience with past reforms reviewed in this chapter confirms that they are easier to undertake where they entail only benefits and little or no short-term cost, and harder to carry out where they may hurt the short-term interests of specific groups, such as incumbent investors, farmers or labour market “insiders”.

This issue of Going for Growth also contains special topical chapters on intergenerational social mobility, prudential regulation and competition in banking, as well as an application of the Going for Growth methodology to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa.

Bankruptcy Codes And You

The thought of going bankrupt is generally something that most people don't consciously consider doing. However, the reality of today is that more and more people are not only considering bankruptcy; they are actively seeking it. Various forms of bankruptcy such as chapter 13 and chapter 11 are being exercised by people throughout the country today.

Congress was the body of lawmakers that decided that the U.S. bankruptcy laws were in need of uniformity and as such they implemented Federal bankruptcy laws that the states are obligated to conform to. Although each state can have its own set of bankruptcy laws there are some basic statutes mandated by the U.S. government that all must follow. These bankruptcy codes have been put in place to help people relieve themselves from financial burden and to cease engaging in financial self destruction.

At the time of this writing there are currently four different chapters to the bankruptcy code. For example, you may be familiar with the bankruptcy term Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The chapter 7 part is the section of code or the statutes that address the rules and regulations of Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

With these various chapters of bankruptcy, are explanations of how the various laws are set up to deal with the filing procedures and how the debt is relieved or negotiated down. There are also provisions regulating the behavior of the creditors themselves as it pertains to contacting and collection attempts by the creditor.

The individual states can have and pass their own statutes concerning bankruptcy laws or codes. However, any statue that a state may be considering for law must still work within the framework of the Federal bankruptcy codes.

So, even though the individual states cannot change the intent of the Federal bankruptcy laws, each state can however, interpret how the claims must be filed and how the claims are acted upon.

If you've not considered the dynamic nature of statutes, you would be well advised to. Bankruptcy statutes (just like all statutes)are dynamic in nature. They can and do change at the local (and Federal level)based on the lawmakers either adding amendments to the current statutes or adding completely new sections to the chapters themselves. Because of this it would be a good idea for anyone considering taking the bankruptcy route to consult with the appropriate counsel.

Any change to the base bankruptcy laws of the U.S. will be originated from Congress itself. An example of such came with the filing requirements of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This particular changed effected the primary rules for the filing in that it added additional burden of proof on the person filing to have met the specific criteria and as such would have the right to file for bankruptcy.

With this change, the person seeking relief from the bankruptcy courts will only be approved for filing once they have completed a court approved financial and bankruptcy session. With the ever growing number of people seeking relief from debt via the bankruptcy system, this amendment was added to help ensure that the person filing was truly in a financial dead end and not someone who had just incurred a great deal of debt with no intention of paying it off.
The administrative account – system of gathering and grouping of the financial and not financial information on which basis managers make decisions for achievement of the purposes of the organisation (definition from the book of Charlza Horngrena, George Fostera and Shrikanta Datara «the Administrative account»).

The conventional guru in the field of the administrative account Kolin Druri in the book «the Administrative account for business decisions» defines the administrative account as granting to heads of the organisation «information on which basis they can обоснованно make decisions and raise efficiency and productivity of current operations. The information under the administrative account allows to measure economic indicators of operational structures of the organisation operating децентрализованно, such as its separate divisions, цехи and departments. The administrative reporting is to the full facultative, that is such information prepares only in the event that it is supposed that benefits from it will be above expenses on its preparation».

According to Svetlana Nikolaevoj and Sergey Shebeka, authors of the book «the Administrative account. Legends and myths», the administrative account is «the control system of the organisation assuming realisation of administrative functions in the relation:

Sets of the processes making activity of the organisation;
Structural units of the organisation participating in processes;
Resources used in processes;
The indicators reflecting the characteristics of all other categories of objects of management, for achievement flowing and organisation strategic targets ».
Long time in practice of the Russian companies the administrative account was perceived as «the real account objectively reflecting operations of the company» (see, in particular, article: Божко P.Osobennosti of the administrative account at the Russian enterprises//the Financial director. 2003. №2). It has been connected by that else about five years ago the majority of the domestic companies was used by various methods of minimisation of the taxation. In these purposes the fictitious organisations were created, schemes of the tax planning were applied, some operations were not fixed in the official account. And that proprietors of business and heads of the enterprises saw all picture of business, the administrative account was conducted. As a rule, in its basis the principles similar with established for book keeping lay, and more advanced companies for a basis took МСФО. Last variant most visually shows the contradiction in understanding of the administrative account in Russia and abroad as МСФО is by definition the financial account which, despite the transparency, does not provide management of the company by all necessary for acceptance of administrative decisions by the information. Recently owing to change in Russia tax climate and development of practice of the administrative account more and more the domestic companies apply the administrative account in its classical understanding.
Figure 5000 of roubles in the end of 2009 named the main court enforcement officer of Moscow Ferdauis Jusupov. It is the minimum debt at which police officers can close border for the citizen. A unique exception — persons paying alimony. Concerning them the size of debts has no value. Another not so known, but too a measure meeting in practice — not to give out to the debtor who does not have the passports, this document — besides until the citizen will not pay off.

We have talked to workers УФССП and lawyers, have studied statutory acts on which basis police officers operate, and also have found out where to address to the capital inhabitant before a foreign trip, to learn, whether debts are registered behind it. To take preventive measures — a unique way to avoid unpleasant surprises on border. Because to prove the case at the moment of passage of the boundary control, alas, it is already impossible. No less than to pay off on a place.

Discrepancy of the address of a residence permit and actual — the main problem of debtors

Block border mainly to the people evading from payment of the alimony, individual businessmen with large debts under taxes and — a crisis consequence — to the borrowers who have not returned bank credits. Theoretically limit movement can also to the citizens who have not executed a judgement about eviction, a pulling down of illegal constructions, assignation (apartments, cars etc.), but such happens infrequently. To court enforcement officers employees of traffic police seldom enough address — as practice shows, penalties for infringement of rules can be registered for infringers without special for those consequences. And on the contrary, representatives of housing and communal services love police officers — they in large quantities transfer those the debtors. Already there are precedents when for not paid utilities officials described personal property of citizens — TVs, DVD-players etc. Restriction of movement of the debtor in this case also is applied.

Let's tell more in detail about what situation precedes an interdiction for departure. After court (and at some administrative penalties and without it) взыскатель have the right to address in service of court enforcement officers. Further the police officer-executor directs to the debtor the decision about excitation of executive manufacture and suggests to pay off voluntary in the designated term. According to point 12 of article 30 of the Federal law from October, 2nd, 2007 № 229-FZ «About executive manufacture», such term cannot exceed five calendar days from that day as the citizen has received the decision.
Receiving money or lending them, we seldom recollect that it is necessary to make the voucher of money resources, and in vain: this document can protect us in court. From article you learn, when the receipt and as it should look is necessary.

When the receipt is necessary

The receipt use more often, when there is a transfer of money between citizens. We will tell, money is given on credit or the payment for demountable apartment is brought.

Thus, if the sum under the transaction exceeds 1000 rbl. the receipt is obligatory under the law (item 161 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation).

To neglect the receipt it is not necessary. After all it is the document having a validity, that is with its help it is possible to defend the rights in court.

Whether it is necessary to assure the receipt at the notary

The receipt does not require notarial assurance. However it is better to make secure: there are situations when the unfair participant of the transaction asserts that on the document not its signature. In case of proceeding notarially certified receipt completely will exclude all claims of the debtor. One more way to prove authenticity of the receipt — signatures of two witnesses of the transaction.

If the receipt is not assured нотариусоми of it there are no signatures of witnesses, and the debtor insists on a fake of its signature, this question will be solved почерковедческая by examination.

How correctly to make the receipt

The civil code of the Russian Federation does not demand that - the voucher of money would have any certain form. Therefore to make this document it is possible any way. The main thing to specify the reason of transfer of money, the size of the transferred sum, nameplate data and the information on actual residing of participants of the transaction. Certainly, in the document should stand date and signatures of the parties. Besides, at the receipt sometimes there is a phrase that the parties have no claims to each other (the sample of the voucher of money resources we have resulted more low).

In addition it is possible to include any information necessary to you in the receipt. For example, if it is a question of apartment hiring, in the document the inventory of things being there, their approximate cost and the sum which the tenant will be obliged to compensate in case of breakage or disappearance can be resulted. If you bring an advance payment to a repair brigade, it is necessary to register accurately, on what (for example, this money should be spent for purchase of a parquet board or a tile).

If you lend money

In the receipt it is necessary to specify, when the debtor undertakes to return money and what sanctions threaten it for delay. Usually such receipt is made in one copy and remains at the creditor.

If you wish to provide any special conditions of transfer or the refund it is possible to make the loan contract. In it the sum of a loan and term to which money resources are transferred should be necessarily specified. The loan contract is made in duplicate, on one for the creditor and the borrower. However even in the presence of the contract transfer of money all the same should be issued the receipt. She will confirm that the debtor has really received from you the sum specified in the contract.
The bill is aimed at cardinal change of approaches to such procedure of bankruptcy, as financial improvement, for seven years of the existence meanwhile not justified in practice. Perfection of rehabilitation procedures during bankruptcy — a measure, undoubtedly, necessary, therefore revision of norms about financial improvement of the debtor deserves support. In particular, it is possible to approve the offer of developers of the bill on possible division of requirements of creditors on classes depending on the similar nature of these requirements, the status of creditors and simply identical economic interests. Voting of creditors by classes at approval of the plan of financial improvement essentially will complicate work of the administrative managing director, however it nevertheless will allow to consider opinion of the majority of creditors, in the maximum degree interested in restoration of solvency of the debtor.

Correction of mistakes

At the same time a number of positions of the bill demands the further study.

In the bill it is offered to change the maintenance of item 2 of item 7 of the Law on bankruptcy, having given to competitive creditors and the authorised bodies the right to the reference in arbitration court from the moment of approach of a date of performance of obligations, instead of from the moment of the introduction into validity of a judgement, arbitration or the arbitration court about collecting from the debtor of money resources. The similar innovation raises serious doubts.

In due time according to item 4 of item 4 of the Law on bankruptcy of 1998 the size of liabilities under requirements of creditors was considered established if it has been confirmed not only the judgement which has entered validity, but also the documents testifying to a recognition by the debtor of these requirements. Realisation of the given norm in practice has led to that there were «custom-made bankruptcies» when unfair creditors initiated processes of bankruptcy concerning the profitable enterprises, using that the Law allowed them not to prove the requirements to the debtor the judgement which has entered validity.

At that time the Presidium YOU the Russian Federation in the Circular from 06.08.99 №43 «Questions of application of the Federal law« On an inconsistency (bankruptcy) »in judiciary practice» has noticed that the creditor should take measures for reception of debts out of bankruptcy procedures. And only if these measures have not led to debts reception, the creditor can put in the statement for a recognition of the debtor the bankrupt.

As a result in the current Law on bankruptcy of the right of creditors and the authorised bodies on the reference in arbitration court with the statement for a recognition of the debtor the bankrupt at first have been put in dependence on their reference in service of court enforcement officers, and then — it is simple from the introduction into validity of the decisions of the courts confirming presence and the size of their requirements to the debtor.

Financial analysis of banks and humor pic

Financial analysis of banks
Tornadoes are a type of natural calamity that is quite characteristic for the US, namely its South-Eastern part. And if you have a policy for insuring your house and living in that area you really want to make sure you are covered to the right extent before the disaster strikes. Here are some useful and very helpful tips regarding tornado coverage that will be quite interesting to those who risk with their property every time the hurricane season comes their way.

Step 1: review your insurance policy
In contrast with storm and flood coverage, the insurance details connected with tornadoes are less complicated due to the fact that wind damage (which a tornado eventually delivers) is included into a standard insurance policy. Moreover, tornadoes are usually characterized by less devastation due to surge or flood that is associated with typical hurricanes.
Still, it never hurts to find and analyze your insurance policy. Even those who do not live in “Tornado Alley,” the part of the US spreads across the north of Texas through east of Nebraska and northeast of Indiana, can suffer damage due to tornadoes. Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas are the states where the appearance of twisters is more likely but this doesn’t mean that you are perfectly safe in other areas.

Step 2: clear the things up afterwards
After the tornado has gone away contact your home insurance company immediately. There are time limits with some insurance policies, setting a certain period during which you are able to file a claim. This period usually varies from one state to another, as well as between companies. Inform your insurer about the degree of damage delivered by the calamity. Insurance claims are usually processed with the cases of the most severe damages being processed first and then carrying on with less serious impact.
Provide your insurance company with all the contact information you can. The insurer should be able to contact you immediately if they make a decision or need additional information. The period of time that will be required for processing your claim strongly depends on how complicated your case is and how bad the damage was. It could be a couple of days, or a couple of months.

Step 3: document the damage
When you have the opportunity take pictures of the damage delivered by the tornado, preferably immediately after it goes away. This will be a great assistance for processing your home insurance claim. Record any conversations and store any receipts you receive after the storm. Your personal degree of organization is directly related to how swiftly any problems will be resolved. In case you forgot the value of some items that were lost or damaged by the tornado you can contact your credit card provider and check the purchase list for the numbers.

Step 4: be on the lookout
Some service hunt for tornado victims, offering costly or temporary repairs that won’t do much good in the long run. Don’t rush off signing contracts and letting the people do their job. Investigate the offers, compare them just like you would compare home insurance quotes, address your local Better Business Bureau and hire the professionals who have good feedback and working experience rather than those who will show up first near your devastated property.
PricewaterhouseCoopers offer small business startup tips on not to fund a new venture while avoiding debt:

You hear in the press of all sorts of types of funding available, from debt funding, from venture capital funding, angel funding, government grants. The question is actually, how many of those really are available in the current market?

Debt funding is very, very difficult. I know the government has been encouraging particularly the banks that the government owns at the moment, to lend to businesses. And there are opportunities. But the banks are still taking commercial decisions as to who they're lending to. Debt funding is tough. It takes a lot of time to manage to debt once you've got it. And it takes probably even longer to negotiate the debt in the first place. So debt funding is a difficult place to be.

I think equity funding is what you need at the moment. There is money out there in the venture capital and private equity worlds. But the valuations that investors are willing to invest at have come down significantly.

So one area, I think, that funding seems to be more available is in some of the government-backed venture funding programs. And the government is trying to encourage entrepreneurism. So some of the government-backed funds seem to have more money and more availability to invest.

Starting a business, often the best way to kick it off and raise some funding is probably through family and friends.

For a start up business often, and especially in the current environment, sort of debt financing from banks is pretty difficult. So potentially, there is still money with venture capitalist, there still is quite a lot of funds that have still got amounts in there that they are willing to lend. There are obviously sort of government support and some aid, and some around, sort of the enterprise side which is still quite beneficial. And there’s the classic piece around almost private money and sort of angel funding that a lot of centres in the UK are promoting that kind of collaboration, with previous or existing entrepreneurs and how they funded things. But it’s a tough way but if you look at some very successful businesses who have started out in a very small way in terms of the initial financing. And how quickly they can actually monetise that and actually focus the business very much on that first period of how can we actually convert that money into cash to reinvest in the business. Which may drive slightly different behaviour during say the first sort of 6 to 9 months of a business.
Need to pay for a house but you have got credit score that is less than perfect? You aren’t on your own. Lots of people are going through the identical problem. The good thing is there are home loans for individuals with bad credit. These loans offer you a choice for financing the house you have at all times dreamed of owning.
Despite the fact that the credit history isn’t as excellent as it could be, you will find loan companies that will offer these loans for your requirements so you can get the home of your dreams. Needless to say when looking for these plans, there are many tips you will need to keep in mind.
Tip 1: - Simply Choose Reputable Lenders - The first tips to keep in mind when looking for home loans for bad credit score is to make sure you simply choose legitimate loan providers.
Whilst you need a loan to buy a home regardless of your credit history, you don’t want to make a hasty decision and end up with a bad loan provider. Prior to deciding to pick the loan company, look at the track record and learn just as much as you can about that company. Recognize the name before you rely on your upcoming to a lender.
Tip 2: - Check Closely at Terms and Conditions - Your next crucial activity when you want mortgage loans for bad credit score is to look carefully at conditions and terms before signing your name.
Although home loans for individuals with poor credit are available, a few loan companies try to take advantage of people and could put things within the conditions and terms that you may not even know. You want to find out about any kind of additional expenses or even hidden expenses before you decide to sign your reputation to obtain the loan.
Tip 3: - Compare Your Possibilities - Though it can be a bit more challenging to find mortgages for people with bad credit, there are multiple options out there for you. This means that it can be in your best interest to compare the options.
Take a look at a number of various loan companies that offer this type of program. Compare their conditions, the length of the loan, as well as the rates of interest. When you compare, you are going to ensure that you receive the best feasible deal from a superior provider.
Tip 4: - Look On the web for Information - If you need information on mortgages for individuals with low credit score or else you are even looking for information on different lenders, the web is probably the greatest assets out there.
Numerous reputable lenders operate online, so this means you can actually find out more about exactly what they have to provide online. This can be a valuable reference, so use it to learn further.
It is possible to finance a property despite the presence of poor credit. Mortgages for people with bad credit could make your dream property a reality in your life. Simply keep these guidelines in your mind so you’re certain to obtain a high quality loan.
1. Find common ground on the big purchases: houses, cars, condos. “Make sure you discuss not just the practical details, but the emotional implications,” says Dr Judy. “Large expenditures tend to imply long-lasting involvement that can stir up feelings about the solidity and longevity of your commitment to each other.” Trace the roots of your money personalities, and learn to express your feelings about big purchases calmly and rationally.

2. Talk about spending money for anniversaries, birthdays, and special occasions. If partners have different ideas on what a “reasonable” amount of money to spend on special occasions is, then this personal finance issue could snowball into a big marriage problem and become a reason your relationship fails. Find ways to meet halfway; for instance, if you think $200 is reasonable for a birthday gift and he thinks $100 is, then spend $150. Or, find non-financial ways to celebrate special occasions.

3. Be prepared for unemployment, layoffs, and pink slips. These financial issues or employment problems can cause problems for married and common law couples, and can also affect self-esteem, confidence levels, and emotional upsets (in addition to preventing couples from achieving financial abundance!). According to Dr Judy, successful couples need to plan their personal finance with regular discussions, and be open to adjusting their lifestyle accordingly.

4. Know how you’ll deal with promotions, financial windfalls, and salary increases. “Weathering windfalls can be just as much a source of stress as tumbling finances,” writes Dr Judy. “You’ll face practical discussions about what to do with the money.” Decide in advance how you’d handle certain money matters — and remember that men and women handle money differentl. Newlyweds or recently married couples may be particularly prone to money problems because they’re still learning each other’s money personalities.

5. Talk about children and money. Food, clothes, doctor’s bills, sports, entertainment, education, recreation – they’re all money issues that cause marriage problems. To create financial abundance, start budgeting, teaching your kids how to earn their own money, and schedule on-going discussions or “money huddles.”

6. Be prepared to handle tax-time troubles. Deadlines, panics over taxes paid and unpaid, and frustrations with the powers that be can be a money issue that causes marriage problems. “Trust might also be destroyed if one of you suspects the other of hiding assets or being dishonest,” says Dr Judy.

7. Accept and deal with the stepfamily’s finances. Alimony and/or child support payments can put a financial drain on your income as a couple, which leads to marriage problems. To keep your financial life steady, accept that the responsibilities from a previous marriage are important to uphold (even if a toxic ex-wife is involved!). Plan for those stepfamily expenses, and separate the resentful or competitive feelings from the reality.

8. Plan realistically for vacations, weekend getaways, family holidays. “Attitudes on how to apportion your resources for time off, what to do, and how much to spend can make what should be a dream vacation turn into a nightmare,” says Dr Judy. “Resolve different attitudes ahead of time, such as flying economy or first class.”
source: theadventurouswriter.com
We have all read about the usual personal finance tips being offered by the writers of the personal finance blogs around the internet and from the experts on television. They usually end up meshing somewhere along the line with information that includes the importance of setting a budget, tracking your spending, and establishing an emergency fund. While that advice is all valuable and true, there are some other things you should be doing that will keep you financially strong.
Here are some of those tips that may be just as important to your financial health as the basics. Even if you've heard them before, there is nothing wrong with a refresher course:

1. Save For Your Child's Education Now
The cost of a college education certainly is not going down any time soon so in order to prevent future stress on family finances or subject your children to a potentially harder road during the college years, invest money into a tax-free 529 college savings account. The earlier you start, the more chances you have to save.

2. Get Your Own Education
Sure, it is likely we will struggle with paying for an education but it is essential to earning extra money when compared to those with only a high school diploma. If you can find a way to go back to college for the degree you never got or to obtain a degree you have wanted, it is never too late. Furthering your education doesn't necessarily mean going back to college. There are a lot of alternative options for furthering your knowledge and learning new skills. Many communities offer classes to improve your computer skills, your crafting skills, and can even introduce you to new talents you didn't know you had. Take a course in photography or creative writing. You can always use these skills to supplement your existing income and explore what financial freedom your natural talents and hobbies can bring to you.

3. Skip the Extended Warranties

Any merchandise you buy will already come with a warranty. Some will be 90 days and some can range up to a year or more. If something is going to break, it will likely break during that time. The only one that profits from your purchase of an extended warranty is the company that sells them. Be choosy in what you are spending your money on and research items before you buy them. Armed with this information before you hit the store should make you less susceptible to spending cash on useless warranties.

4. Question Your Loyalty
Chances are good that over the last few years, you have selected and stayed loyal with many technological services from day one. You are barraged day in and out with promotional offers for the latest plans for cell phones, cable services, internet providers and the like. While it may be annoying to have to sift through the deals that are out there, your wallet may appreciate your efforts. Most companies will not be the first to tell you that you can get a better deal if you just pay attention to what is going on. They are happy to keep letting you pay more for less services than other customers are getting. Stay on top of what you are paying for and you'll find savings.

5. Prioritize Your Health
Face it, if your health goes in the toilet and you don't have the appropriate health insurance coverage available, you can very quickly lose everything you have saved when medical bills start taking over your life. If you an your spouse have employer-sponsored health plans, make the most of whichever plan covers your needs. If you are self-employed and have to find insurance on your own, work hard to find the plan that fits your financial needs and your health concerns. You should not always go for the cheapest policy but the one that will cover your basic medical care costs as well as the costs of the unexpected expenses that can arise with health issues.
